Introduction. Increasing your work’s visibility. Why and how?

10h -11h
Lieu : online
Doctorants Formations doctorales Recherche Science ouverte BU BU Santé BU SHS BU Droit-Gestion LILLIAD

All doctoral schools

The « Using researcher identifiers to publish and disseminate your work », « Constructing your digital identity as an early-career researcher » and « Value and limits of Bibliometrics » sessions will enable you to develop your skills related to « Improving your research visibility ». These sessions are offered in French. This session can also be supplemented by the different sessions of the topic: « Publishing and disseminating your work ».


  • Be aware of visibility tools and their functions
  • Understand that visibility is based on an approach that uses various tools 

After taking the time to analyse the notion of visibility, a typology of tools and their functions will be presented. This typology will provide an opportunity to show the usefulness of an approach based on these tools.

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  • Language : this module is offered in English.
  • Duration: 1 hours

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